I stay at home and look after the children
purchase minipress Then came the practical, which involved a sequence of manoeuvres round cones in a car park. I got into a car, an instructor???s model with two sets of pedals, next to a traffic cop in uniform. He told me to start the car. I was so nervous, and had completed so few lessons, that I couldn???t master the pedals and kept stalling. The traffic cop smiled, glanced over his shoulder, and took control of the car. ???Put your hands on the wheel and pretend to drive,??? he told me. While he ran the vehicle from his set of pedals I cruised around with an inane grin. After a while I thought: this is almost like driving. It was the system in miniature ??? the strange intermeshing of corruption and scrupulousness (you did have to go through the motions of the test), the role of officialdom as both obstructor and enabler, the co-option and the simulation.